Make Money on Backpage
MakeMoney-WHJ’s GOAL Is to provide Multiple ways to make money online as well as offline. Also to teach others how to brand themselves, add more friends, fans, and followers to their social networks. |
Why Backpage? Backpage is beginning to separate itself from the other online classified ad sites.
Although Craigslist is still the most visited and still very good as well to use to promote, many of its users are starting to migrate to Backpage.
Less rules and you have a better chance of your ads actually being seen.
Many are saying it’s just too easy to get flagged and banned from craigslist.
The time, worry, and hassle are just not worth it.
Why waste your time?
Backpage.com is the easiest to use out of all the classified ad sites.
You are less likely to get banned.
Ads are very easy to place.
With Backpage you can place Pictures in your ads, you also can put hyperlinks in your ads as well.
You can also place ads in multiple cities and place ads multiple times.
Not only is Backpage.com doubling and tripping in traffic every month, but it is also said to reach a Billion views a month.
Many of the concepts are very similar to the make money on Craigslist page and EBay Online Classified Ad pages.
Make Money on Craigslist
Make Money on EBay Classified Ad site
All three of them are classified Ad sites, but you always have better results when you customize each approach according to whatever website you’re trying to market and make money from.
But they are still good pages to reference back and forth to see which classified site works best for you.
Insider Tips
- Promote what’s Hot and Trendy
- Place your Ads when most People will be able to view them.
No need to put ads up, when the majority are at work.
You want to be able to capture as many visitors as you can.
- Place Ads as often as you can.
If you are promoting the same product, simply change the ad so it doesn’t look identical to the ad you previously posted.
- Not all but some pictures are good to use.
You want to capture the attention of your Audience.
Sometimes you don’t even need pictures…
All CAPS will work or change the color of a font.
- Your Headline… I think it is the most important.
It determines wheatear or not the visitor will click on your ad or not.
Never be too pushy, it’s an automatic turn off.
- Where to place an ad is key as well.
The same exact ad will get clicked on in some categories and not even touched in others.
Ways to make money are the same
Selling Hard goods
Make Money with EBooks
I will always promote EBooks, it’s a very easy way to make money.
It’s one of the main ways I make money.
Affiliate Products
Make Money with Affiliate Products
The biggest difference about Backpage is that there is less competition than Craigslist.
A small con is that it doesn’t receive as much traffic as Craigslist but it is still a good site to make money from.
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