Make Money with Amazon Kindle
MakeMoney-WHJ’s GOAL Is to provide Multiple ways to make money online as well as offline. Also to teach others how to brand themselves, add more friends, fans, and followers to their social networks. |
If you LOVE to write, than this make money idea may be perfect for you.
Write Amazon Kindles on your favorite subjects.
Write Kindles on whatever subject you think you can sell and make a lot of money.
You can choose fiction or non-fiction.
It’s totally up to you.
Amazon makes it extremely easy to publish your material.
Which takes the head ache of having to find some to publish your books
It also saves you money, Publishing can get pretty expensive.
You don’t have to be a world famous author to make money selling books.
With Amazon Pretty much anyone can put together an eBook, get it published on Amazon and begin to make money.
A few tips on how to Maximize sales with Amazon Kindles
- Have an attractive eBook cover, appearance is everything. 1st Impression is everything.
- Do your research, know what books are selling and in high demand.
Usually anything related to the top items are usually good to write about. Also what’s hot on eBay is usually a good seller on Amazon as well.
- Take your time and do everything right.
- Be careful when pricing your eBook. Unless you have a ton of traffic already to your website and popular on the web you might not want to start your price to high.
Many people are starting their eBooks at .99, 1.99, and 2.99. The goal then becomes a numbers game.
- The better the content, the more you will sell.
If people buy one of your books, they will buy more of your books.
Kindlers are making some serious money selling Amazon Kindles.
If you have a few good selling kindles, you can make a few extra thousands a month. Maybe even more than that, it all depends on you.
The split is 70/30.
You get 70% and Amazon gets 30%.
So if you sell the EBooks for 9.99 you will get 6.98 out of the $9.99
Imagine Having 10-20 Good Selling Kindles.
You can have some cheap eBooks as well as some of your higher end selling eBooks.
The numbers will add up quickly.
Now that’s some really good money
How you are paid
Amazon sends the money to your bank account 60 days after the sale.
It’s a wide open field.
More people buy electric books than hard back books.
Amazon sells more kindles than hardback books.
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