Ken Blue

Ebay Fees


eBay is the most visited ecommerce site on the World Wide Web. It is said eBay has more than 2 million visitors daily and receives over 1.8 billion page views per week.

Ebay have 2 Fees pers transaction

Ebay Fees

Simplest way to remember these fees are Beginning and Ending Fees


Starting Fees $0.01 to $0.99---- $0.10
$1.00 to $9.99 ---- $0.25
$10.00 to $24.99---- $0.35
$25.00 to $49.99---- $1.00
$50.00 to$199.99---- $2.00
$200.00 to $499.99---- $3.00
$500.00 or more ---- $4.00

Insertion Fee other categories

ENDING FEES(after the sell)

Ebay Final Value Fee
Item not sold---- No Fee
$0.01 to $25.00 ----8.75% of the Final value
$25.01 to $1,000.00---- 8.75% of the Beginning, plus 3.5% of $25.00 of the final value balance
$1,000.00 and over---- 8.75% of the Beginning $25.00, plus 3.50% of the beginning $25.01, plus 1.50% of the remaining final value balance

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